⌨️Key Bindings & UI
Game Of Dragons © 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Key Bindings:
W = Move Forward A = Move Left - Double Tab on the ground to jump left. - Double Tab in the air to barrel roll to the left. S = Move Backwards D = Move Right - Double Tab on the ground to jump right. - Double Tab in the air to barrel roll to the right. Q = Flying lift off the ground to fly / Drop from the sky on your enemy C = Fly Down Spacebar = Jump / Fly Down
Left Mouse Click = Fire Breath
Fire Breath Breath fire on your enemy's by holding the left mouse click! Can be used untill your mana runs out.
Keyboard key F = Fire Ball
Fire Ball Shoot Fire Balls at you enemy the closer you are to the enemy the more change you have of hitting your target
Keyboard key 1 = Earthshock
Earthshock Range Attack, Fire a Earth Meteor at you target dealing damage
Keyboard key 2 = Healingwave
Healingwave Has a short cooldown and heals your dragon over-time (can be used if stunned)
Keyboard key 3 = Iceshock
Iceshock Stun your enemy for 10 seconds! Players that are stunned are still able to preform abilities to attack you or heal themself so don't stand infront of your frozen target!
Keyboard key M = Open Map/Close Map
Open/Close Map Enlarges the mini-map and allows you to see the location of Gold Rain but also displays Bounty Hunter targets.
If you defeat an enemy you will receive a bounty on your head and you are visible on the map to other players.
In game UI Explained
Match Information On the top left you will see the Match information with: - Countdown timer of the match - Amount of players inside the match - Amount of gold you have collected while playing.
Health Bar Your healthbar displays the amount of health you have left and will change color depended on how much hp(Health Points) you have left. If this bar goes to 0 you die! so make sure to use Healing Wave to stay alive!
Spell Bar You Spell Bar displays all the spells and abilities you have at your disposal to attack enemy's or defend yourself from your enemy's. The number on the Spell Bar displays what Keybinding is connected to which spell. Keyboard Key 1 = Earth Shock Keyboard Key 2 = Healing Wave Keyboard Key 3 = Ice Shock After you use a abilitie a cooldown time bar will be displayed to indicate when a ability can be used again.
Mana Bar This orange globe fills up with liquid, this liquid is your mana. you need mana in order to use all spells and abilities. when you run out of mana it requires time to fill it back up again. So use your mana carefully when attacking your enemy's!
Mini Map On the top left your Mini Map displays your position on the Map. - That small white circle is your dragon. - The Cone on the small white circle indicates what direction you are watching/flying - You mini map will also display Gold Rain(Green Circle) and Bounty Targets(Red Circles).
Big Map If you press M on your keyboard the entire map will open or close if clicked again. - That small white circle is your dragon. - The Cone on the small white circle indicates what direction you are watching/flying - You big map will also display Gold Rain(Green Circle) and Bounty Targets(Red Circles) - Your big map also displays a position raster from A to V on the horizontal line on the top and the vertical line on the left.
How to Play
Find out everything you need to know about How to Play here:
Find out everything you need to know about Play2Earn here:
Dragon Gold
Find out everything you need to know about Dragon Gold here:
Last updated